Here are the top mistakes people make when it comes to taking care of their mouths

Here are the top mistakes people make when it comes to taking care of their mouths

Woman in bathroom brushing teeth

This Morning Routine  is a familiar one: Use a harsh toothpaste immediately after you have got up , followed by a brush with an abrasive Bristle . Finally rinse your mouth with strong mouthwash that makes you shiver.

oral health hasn’t gotten any better in the last 30 years… the majority of our population has oral diseases, so that means that what we’re currently doing is not working.

Dental caries, also known as tooth decay, is the most common noncommunicable disease on the planet, according to the World Health Organization. The biggest problem is that people either neglect their mouth or go to the other extreme by disinfecting and sterilizing it to such a degree that they disrupt the balance of the oral microbiome.Just like our gut, the mouth contains good and bad bacteria — billions of microbes in all. Disrupt this delicate balance — by using a product that kills all the bacteria in your mouth, for example — and problems can arise.

What is Good Oral Health ?

it as having a balanced oral microbiome as well as the right growth and development of the mouth, which leads to correct airways, a correct bite and a balanced-looking face. A healthy mouth can increase life expectancy by up to 10 years.

But if something goes wrong, resulting in an unhealthy mouth, it can impact everything about a person’s well-being, including mental health. It’s “mind-boggling” how many diseases are linked to periodontal disease, including diabetescardiovascular and Alzheimer’s disease,

Mouth health connects to overall body health, yet dentists are still mostly trained to just fill cavities or straighten teeth, rather than prevent bigger problems.

What are the biggest oral health mistakes people make?

They include using harsh oral care products that contain alcohol and other ingredients that can change the oral microbiome, which took millions of years to evolve, Hoss said.

It is especially horrified by antiseptic mouthwash, which kills 99% of everything, as advertised, and leaves behind “the baddest, toughest, roughest little microbes around — poised to recolonize that entire mouth, totally unchecked by the organisms that used to hold them at bay.

Narayana Dental Has urged consumers to think of the mouth as a garden, with the many helpful oral microbes inside it as flowers and plants, and the bad bugs as weeds.

“If there was a weed growing in your garden, you wouldn’t just throw acid and weed killer all over and kill everything, the way we do it in our mouth. (But) we take antiseptic mouthwash that kills everything,” he said. “What we do in the mouth is a disaster right now.”

The Best healthy oral care routine

  • Start your morning oral care routine before breakfast, not after, because whenever you eat, the mouth becomes acidic and you can damage your enamel if you brush right away — “the biggest mistake I see is people brush their teeth after breakfast or after meals,” he noted.
  • After waking up, use an alkaline mouthwash to restore the pH of the mouth, and loosen any plaque and particles that built up overnight. Rinsing this way reaches areas of the mouth that the toothbrush can’t.
  • Floss to remove plaque between your teeth. Any floss is better than no floss, but regular string floss is the best because you use a clean surface every time, Flossers with a handle would be his second choice, followed by water flossers.
  • Clean your tongue with a scraper or brush “because that’s another area that people ignore and it’s a big source of a bacteria that cause bad breath,”
  • Brush with a safe and effective toothpaste using a toothbrush with soft bristles.
  • Repeat this routine before bedtime, but reverse the order, so that the last oral care product you use before bed is the alkaline mouthwash, Hoss recommended.
  • In the 16 hours between morning and evening, he was a fan of using mouth spray with xylitol or chewing xylitol gum to balance the acidity of the mouth throughout the day.

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